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Thursday, March 4, 2010
This is one of my favorite show because it is straight to the point. Gordon Ramsay is the host/star of this show, if you don’t have any idea who is Gordon Ramsay, well, Gordon Ramsay is one of the most successful chefs out there. Gordon became famous for his high standards in food and also for his temper. He is really blunt in saying his opinion, so blunt that one time during a fiery exchange with one of his sous chef, police were called to break up the fight.

This show is about Chef Gordon Ramsay spending a week with a failing restaurant in an attempt to revive the business. What makes this show good, is how the chefs and owners of the failing restaurants are so hard asses in the beginning of the show, to the point that they are ignoring all their wrong doings that makes their restaurant into a mess. And on the end of the show, about 90% of the time, these owners and chefs follows Ramsay’s advice and realizes their mistakes. The way that Ramsay talks to the owners and chefs is an entertaining one because Ramsay doesn’t hold back with his profanities and with all those dirty language is that Gordon is genuinely seems invested in the fate of each restaurant.

Here is a video of my favorite scene in Kitchen Nightmare,Ramsay and a French Chef who wont follow Ramsey’s advice because of his ego and according to him, He was voted best chef in TOWN, so he doesn’t need to listen to Gordon. Note: Gordon isn’t a fan of French chef because they are so ignorant.

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!


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