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Friday, March 26, 2010


Nintendo has just announced this week that 3DS will be coming before March 2011, with Nintendo hoping to release a press statement at this Year’s E3 event around June.


Here’s the thing that I know about the 3DS, the new 3DS would have a joystick and also a force feedback (vibration) so that the user can feel collisions during game. Also, it would also similar to the DS physical setup, in terms of having 2 screens. It also said that it has better wi-fi capabilities and also a very very long battery supply.

If Sony’s 5 year PSP doesn’t receive any new physical updates from here until next year (psp 2 perhaps?!), it seems that we should be expecting a two way race on Portable Gaming Gadgets next year, with Nintendo’s 3ds battling with Microsoft’s IPAD.


As a note, if Nintendo is planning something similar to this or much better, it seems that the IPAD is in trouble (forget about the PSP, its already old and outdated). This is a video of a game in the DS that uses 3d effects and uses head motion tracking to tell the game where the user is looking so that the game can do the proper adjustment for the 3d effect. THIS IS NOT THE 3DS.


That’s all for now




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