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Wednesday, March 3, 2010
It seems that there will be another Call of duty game by the end of this year and another one which will be released next year. If we were to follow this trend, it seems that Activision plans to make Call of Duty a yearly game like all the sports game out there. The main problem about yearly games is that they have small window of development time and most of the time a small development time will result to a very buggy and unpolished game.To counter this problem, Activision will be using two developers for their Call of duty games, Infinity Ward and Treyarch, these two developers will be alternating every year in making the game. Activision has already been following this system since the beginning of the Call of duty franchise, Infinity Ward has been responsible for Call of Duty 1,2,4, Modern Warfare 2 and the 2011 Call of Duty game, while Treyarch has been responsible for Call of duty 3, World at War and 2010 Call of duty game.

My main concern here is about the yearly development. I feel that the yearly development is just to fast for the developers, before this year, Activision has been releasing Call of Duty games every 2 years, so if you do the math, each developer had 4 years to polished the game and on a yearly release, it will only give each developer 2 years which i feel is just to fast to create and polish a game. Well, if Activision can pull this off, Hats off to them, and if not, i think they should blame Activision's officer for this greedy plan. I think they are thinking that the multiplayer will carry the game to commercial success but i hope the single player wouldn't take a hit. *As a note: the Heads of Infinity Wards were fired by Activision, it seems that they are having conflict with the direction of the Call of Duty games, more particularly, the release dates.

Yearly Call of Duty games seems to be a bad idea

That's all for now

Peace out!!


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