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Sunday, March 14, 2010
myth I love seeing people who are so egoistic when it comes to their computer, bragging to their friends about their expensive specs, “i have a Intel i7 920 w/  crossfire Videocards”, but in reality, they really don’t have any idea about how a computer works. And then after a while, they ask their friends for help because they screwed their operating system and all their files are toast because they installed a software to boost their computer performance.  These people are the main reason that reading computer help forums are so fun, some people are just so dumb that it is so funny.

Anyway, here are some myths in boosting one’s computer’s performance.


Registry cleaners are more of a negative than a positive,actually let me correct that, the one thing that registry cleaners do really well, is that they bring you more problems. Registry cleaners are programs that follows a strict algorithm in cleaning the registry and those algorithms are not smart, they delete files that they thought are unnecessary but are essential to other programs. As a result, some of your programs won’t function properly. Let me give you an example, this happened to me 6 years ago,when i was just starting in truly understanding the computer. I did an registry clean and after the clean, my antivirus was almost impossible to use, it kept reminding me of missing files and such that i had to reinstall it, and eventually, i had to reinstall my OS because almost all my programs won’t function properly.

Registry cleaning is dangerous, you will do more harm than good, my tip to you, if your PC is really slow and don’t have the money to upgrade, do some Registry tweaking but please research first on how and if that tweak is really legit, or just leave your PC alone and just live with a slow PC rather than a slow and malfunctioning PC.

The famous process for instant boost to PC performance, hate to burst your bubble, but this one is a myth. Back on the day when operating systems and hard disk only had small capacity, this was necessary but now, its just a waste of time. All the latest OS since XP already have automated disk feature which arranges the files more logically and making it almost impossible to have a fragmented drive that it hampers performance. While defragment isn’t harmful, to be honest, its just a waste of time.

The one thing i don’t like with system restore is the huge space it consumes, on the default, it consumes 33% of space of the hard disk where your OS is installed, i had to tweak my registry so that it only consumes exactly 100GB of my 1TB drive. Common People usually blames system restore for their slow down with their windows. They tend to think that system restore keeps backing up their files on the background, well they are wrong because its a myth. System restore only kicks in after you install a software or when your PC in on Idle and also it only uses a small fraction of your Hard drive bandwidth that it is almost unnoticeable. So, turning off is just stupid because it has no benefits and you just rob yourself of a valuable safety.

That’s all for now



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