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Friday, March 26, 2010

200px-Predators-MovieIf you have been living under a rock for this past 2 decades or so, let me refresh your mind, Predator is a popular Sci-FI movie franchise with a very strong cult following, me being one of them. The first movie was released somewhere around the late 1980’s which starred Arnold “The Governor” Schwarzenegger, the plot of the movie is rather simple, it is basically about a group of marines being hunted down by this Alien specie and eventually Arnold defeated this specie and was the only left standing. Eventually, all the following movie(s) follow this rather simple plot, but the problem is that, rather than following the simple plot,point by point, they decided to add some arcs and twists to the OBVIOUS plot, making the movie plot so stupid and nonsense and also with crappy budgets that led to crappy art designs and actors and also crappy scripts, this led to movies that shouldn’t be watched by anybody, I'm looking at you AVP franchise.




Anyway, the script of this movie has been around Hollywood for more than a decade, until it was green lit, and the good thing about it is that Robert Rodriguez is producing it, if you don’t know who is Robert Rodriguez, well, he is the top protégé of Quentin Tarantino. Robert said that this movie would be loyal to the original , and there are rumors around the internet that Arnold’s character from the original movie is going to have a cameo!! and also the movie’s PLOT IS SIMPLE!!!  (see the trailer for the plot)


The one thing I like are movies with simple plot and not those overcomplicated one that are winning the Oscars year after year, because in the EIJAN’s MOVIE THEOREM, movies with simple plots rakes MUCH MUCH MORE money than those movies that wins Oscars with their overcomplicated plot, look for example Hurt Locker, it is considered a financial bust and also The Blind Side. People tend to watch movies with simple plot over and over again, look at Avatar,300, Iron Man.


The movie stars Adrian Brody, Toper Grace and Laurence Fishburne. The predators would be played by Brian Steel (The Relic, Resident Evil: Extinction, The Cave, Hellboy, Underworld, Blade: Trinity, Men in Black II and more) and Derek Mears (Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th, The Hills Have Eyes II).


Here is the official trailer of the movie


That’s all for now


Peace out!!


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