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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Youtube has a new feature, it is still in the Beta Stages, it is called Transcribe Audio. Transcribe Audio is basically will try to auto caption the dialogue in the video, unfortunately, it can only transcribe the English language and not yet available in Filipino. I tried using it on one of my past unboxing video, and my god, the result was so freakin’ funny.


To enable the TRANSCRIBE AUDIO. Play the video, then hover your mouse on the button with an UP ARROW, then click CC,it should turn bright red then after that, hover your mouse on the LEFT ARROW which is adjacent to the CC and then select TRANSCRIBE AUDIO



The next video is Chris Pirillo playing with the Transcribe Audio, its so funny because the caption was so inaccurate that it is hilarious.



That’s all for now




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