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Sunday, March 21, 2010


The battle of the next-gen motion controller is now turning ugly, Sony released a video ad yesterday about their new Motion Controller which is entitled “Playstation Move” and on the video, it pokes fun on its competitors.


To refresh your memory about the competition of Motion Controllers among the big 3 of Gaming Console, let me explain it first.


As you know, Nintendo’s flagship for this battle is the Wii,even though Nintendo is the one that introduced the motion controller 3 years ago, and it seems that the outdated system will be receiving a much needed upgrade,which will be in terms of HD gameplay and also a new controller, Nintendo smartly named the new Wii as Wii HD and it will be released on 2011, unfortunately there are no footages of this upgraded system.


Microsoft would be releasing it’s motion controller or…i should say montion-less conrtoller, called “NATAL” within this year. It is basically a add-on Camera for the X-box 360 which smartly captures movements and even VOICE COMMANDS, here is the AD of NATAL; take note: this is just a publicity ad on how the system will perform, it is still not a guarantee that the system would be that great


As another note, playing with an invisible controller (whatever the game requires) seems to be stupid, i rather touch something solid that wack the air with just my hands, it seems awkward especially on GOLF games.



now for Sony, the Playstation Move seems to be the earliest to be released among the three, there are already gameplay videos around the net and also it seems that it utilized both the NATAL and WII, it uses the nanchaku type controller from the Wii and also the camera and voice recognition feature of the Natal. Here’s the Ad for the MOVE:



Cool ain’t it, and the best thing about it, is that the MOVE will only cost under 100 dollars, 99 dollars perhaps.


now back to the main topic, Here is the funny and yet controversial ad by Sony which it pokes fun with the Wii and Natal



Can’t wait for the MOVE


That’s all for now


Peace out!!


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