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Monday, March 1, 2010
This is one of the most anticipated RTS game that will soon come out, Koreans can't sleep thinking of this game, and people on the online community have shouted and searched the depth of the internet, searching for some beta keys so that they can play the game ahead of everybody. Lucky for you, i'm here to provide some early spoilers and not just bunch of pictures but an actual game video.

I'm not that addicted to starcraft to begin with, this type of RTS doesn't suit me, i don't like games that are determined by how fast your APS (actions per second), i'm more of a thinking kind of RTS guy, i prefer the Total War series than this franchise, but not to be misunderstood, I liked Starcraft because of it's story, the political struggle between races and the morality of the main character's choices makes this game truly unique. Like the many fans out there, i'm really excited for its release not because of its multiplayer capabilities but for it's story, the ending of the last game was kinda very open, i can't wait for the story to pan out.

The video below shows some of the changes on the Terran Race

That's all for now

Peace Out!!


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