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Thursday, March 18, 2010

It seems that Microsoft will be following Sony’s footsteps, according to rumors going on the internet, Microsoft would be adapting to the 45nm Processors. Which as a result, the motherboard size would also decrease, in parallel with the physical console case. This can lead to a reduced size of the console, a slimmer version, i’m 100% sure that they will not call it X-Box 360 Slim, but a much cooler name. If my calculation is right, the slimmer version could cost around 200-230 dollars only, which is near the Wii Range and much more cheaper than the PS3 Slim. Its a great time to be a console owners especially with the PS3 MOVE, Microsoft’s Project NATAL and Nintendo’s Wii HD all coming out this year.

here are some pictures of the new motherboard:

new360mb_45147_screen new360mbchip_37537_screen


Let’s just hope this new motherboard can solve the RED RING OF DEATH issue that is associated with the X-BOX360


That’s all for now


Peace Out!!


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