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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Don’t you hate that every social network has their own messenger, and you have to open multiple messenger all in the same time to check for updates from your friends. Worry no more, as Trillian is the answer for all your social network problems. I have been using Trillian for 2 months now, and it drastically changed my life. Before, I used to have Yahoo messenger, a browser for facebook, Skype, Tweetdeck, Outlook(Mail and RSS) and Raptr open at the same time. The one thing I really hate is that I have to check every one of them time to time if there is a new status update. Trillian solves that problem.



Social network?! Trillian Supports it


Trillian easily connect your different IM, Mail and social network in just one platform.  It can easily connect to AIM, Windows Live, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook Chat, Jabber, Skype and a lot more. and Trillian 5 introduces improved Facebook Chat via XMPP and support for Foursquare, LinkedIn, and studiVZ / meinVZ / schuelerVZ chat!


All that is great, but the one thing I really loved with these software is how it synchronizes all the chat history from Facebook to YM flawlessly and it also synchronizes with another software that I use,Trillian for IPAD, easily. The best thing about chatting with Trillian is that there is only 1 chat window for chatting that is divided by tabs of people your chatting with. Skype’s video calling also runs beautifully with Trillian.


One Chat window, Multiple Tabs. So NEAT!!


Another great feature, is to be able to read status updates from Twitter and Facebook from the messenger itself, or you can have a mini notification of updates that appears on the side of your screen. It can also tell you if you received some mail. You can also download plugins from different users to support some social platform that wasn’t covered by Trillian, like PSN.


Check Status feeds from Twitter, Facebook on the Messenger itself


Lastly, Perhaps the best feature of Trillian is how it was coded as it was optimized for windows, it has very fast load times and doesn’t rely on third-party runtimes or toolkits. It only consumes just a constant 22k of memory.


The only downside of Trillian is it is not free. It costs a one time payment of 25 dollars, but every dollar is worth it.


PROS: All your social networking platforms + Mail + Feeds + More = Trillian. If your messenger can do it, Trillian can do it 100x much better

CONS: One time payment, but worth it

Eijan Says: Buy It! believe the hype!

Rating: (Out of 5 Stars)



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