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Saturday, March 19, 2011
“A Nicolas Cage is now synonymous to a fucking bad movie” -Eijan

For my first Movie Review after a long time, I decided to watch in DVD (I was lucky I didn’t get the Blu-ray and wasted money) Season of the Witch. I have been a fan of Nic Cage since his early career especially after faceoff, the greatest action movie of all time!!. I was expecting this movie to be great as it was based on medieval times, I can’t remember a movie that didn’t do well at the box office which used Medieval times as their setting. Medieval times is synonymous to War,sword fighting. blood and arrogant kings. Well, this movie had it all, War, some sword fighting, an arrogant king and even witches and magic. With all that elements, this movie should be a sure thing at least reach a popcorn potential movie, right?! Wrong!!


This movie sucks big time, this is definitely the worst movie I watched in the last 10 months, in fact Sharktopus is a lot better that this crap. It had a full scale war scene in the beginning, but somehow they screwed it, how you ask?! well, the war scene was did in a studio, and how did I know this? because the scene itself looks like it was taken in a studio. The use of green screen was awful, especially the background image, they were showing 20,000 men fighting each other, but the use of green screen is so obvious that you are just watching 8 men fight with a huge TV at the background something like that. The lighting also was pretty bad, as the scene was suppose to be in a dessert but it looked like the actors were standing in those Hen house with the yellow light, similar to that, as it was really obvious that they were standing under a yellow light (it was suppose to act like the sun, by the way).  The movie looked cheap because the CG were awful, its like watching a 1990’s movie. The dialogue were pretty bad, as those one liner joke wasn’t funny at all and felt unnecessary.

Another Movie = Another Check

For the story, to be honest I didn’t finish it as I tried skipping some chapters, because it was boring and so predictable. Nicolas Cage character, Behmen, and his partner, Felson, escapes the war and desert their army but was captured by a kingdom, instead of executing them, Behmen agrees in escorting an apparent witch who was suspected in causing the plague to a monastery that can outdo the sorcery. Eventually, its pretty obvious what will happen,the girl was saved in the end.

There better be Hellboy 3, I can’t let people remember me for this shit

This movie stars Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman (Hellboy), but this does not deny the fact that a Nicolas Cage movie is now equals to a bad movie, as he hasn’t released a good movie in years.

This was definitely a popcorn movie, but instead of eating the popcorn, please just throw it to the screen because this movie was bad.

PROS: It has an Ending but it was crappy.

Cons: Everything, from the acting to the one line joke that wasn’t funny, Cheap looking movie as the visuals and computer generated images was awful circa 1990.

Rating: (Out of 5 Stars)

Eijan Says: Don’t watch this crap,I’m warning you

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!


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