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Thursday, March 10, 2011
There are about 15 reviews, I’ll try to summarize all of them,bear with me.

The good things about the IPAD 2 are:

It was light and comfortable to hold on
+The Decreased weight was a good thing, but it is still slippery as hell without the cover.

Lighter but Faster. noticeable in daily use
+It was one third thinner and 15% lighter but twice as fast

The new Dual Processor really did his thing
+ The new Processor blew the old one but not that much

Games were faster and performed really well
+The graphics processors were 5.2% better in performance than the old one

now the bad things about the IPAD 2 are:

Cameras were shitty, labeled as HD but performed well under par.
-The cameras were mediocre in taking pictures, as expected Apple didn’t share their megapixel rating

Still has a good battery life span, but was below compared to the original
-The battery was under par compared to the first gen Ipad by an hour

The new design makes the IPAD 2 irritating as effort is required to plug in cables.
- Hard to plug cables because of the design

The new smart cover isn’t free and wasn’t worth the dollars.
- Have to pay additional 39 to 69 dollars for Apple’s new smart cover that put the Ipad to sleep when closed. When placed in a bag, a slight jostled on the cover by accident will wake the IPAD back up again.

No significant change with the browser.
- Browsing didn’t changed that much

If you are looking for a tablet and don’t have one, then go with the IPAD 2, and if your stingy then go for a second hand IPAD as it is still the best tablet around. If you are a IPAD 1 owner and doesn’t mind spending money, then go for the upgrade but if you value your money more, I say stick to the IPAD 1. Yes, its an older technology but it still looks the same and acts the same as the IPAD 2, just don’t visit an Apple store and try the IPAD 2 because you will be tempted.

That’s all for now

Peace Out!


Stalker said...

Anong kulay nung mismong ipad? metallic gray pa din?

Eijan Ochoco said...

Light Gray that is almost White

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