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Sunday, March 6, 2011

* This Review was already done last December 22,2010, But I had to double check and test the game more to review the little things.

*I will try to make this review as short as possible and also talk in layman’s term




It took 5 years for Sony to unleash GT5 to the PS3 Users. If I were to be asked if the hype live up to the expectation, the answer would be a yes and a no.


Yes, as GT5 is the best driving simulator around, the keyword is SIMULATOR. If you are looking for arcade racing with a lot of damage and just want to race immediately  once you boot the disc in. Well, this game is ain’t for you, as precision and some car know how is really needed for this game.


Another thing I really liked about this game besides visual is the photo mode. Photo mode is basically photo whoring your car with different background using a DSLR. One thing that i loved about photo mode is practicing with the DSLR's different settings and finding that perfect picture.


Who said photographing cars are boring

One of the best thing about GT5 is how they create the physics of the cars and tracks as close as to their real life counterpart. It is so realistic that I tried an experiment. I drove around Nurburgring with an Mercedes SLS and then checked my best time against some of real time data averages of an SLS and there were only .9 sec difference between our times. I like how the cars handle in this game, you just can’t put different tune up parts carelessly and hope for the best with the  default setting. You really have to tweak the car and I’m telling you now that raising a HP of an FR car is no fun at all because without tweaking the settings, your car would drastically suffer from oversteering and makes you look like a fat ballerina on Ice.


The constant updates is a welcome addition for the consumers because it makes the impression that the game creators really loves this game and really want to improve and not just profiting from the consumers.


Now the Bad. I really didn’t enjoyed career mode that much as it didn’t change that much since the early GT games, it is still boring as hell and the constant grinding is frustrating. I hope they introduce some story soon to make it a bit appealing. The online mode is fun for a while but becomes boring fast as there are no actual benefit to be honest, its like just having an exhibition race with other people. I didn’t like that 80% of the cars are only standard edition, it means that they were just rip from previous games and just improved the details a bit and I know it took the creators 2 months just to recreate a premium car in the game, but this is not an excuse for having majority of the cars in standard edition. Another thing I didn’t like is that the you will not appreciate the game if you are just using an standard controller because precision is required with this game and buying those expensive steering wheels is a must.



Side by Side (Premium vs. Standard)

PROS: Visual, Photo mode is a blast, Constant Updates, Realistic physics

Cons: Boring Career and Online modes. Standard Cars, Must have a steering wheel to enjoy.

Eijan Says: If you are a car nut, buy this game!

RATING: (Out of 5 Stars)



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