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Saturday, March 19, 2011

If you haven’t heard or haven’t tested the Beta releases and RC, well this might be a surprise for you but the Firefox 4 is coming out next week, March 22,2011

One of the big changes in Firefox is the user interface, as it was simplified and made to look like a perfect integration for Mac and Windows 7 users. One of the new UI brings is that there are fewer buttons, the GO,REFRESH and STOP button has been combined to one button that changes depending on the state of the page. The Tabs have been shorten to show the Webpage icon to help users unclutter there tabs bar.


Another great addition of Firefox is the ability to store online your settings and accounts to their secured servers that you can download or use anywhere, so even if you are in a public computer, you can just log in to your account and get your settings from the servers and make Firefox behave to your liking. And after your done, just sign out and your done, Firefox will revert to its original setting. This ability is similar to my current browser that I’m using (ORCA) and let me tell you, this ability has saved me tons of times especially when I’m not using my computer and have forgotten some passwords.

One of the big factor or addition to Firefox 4 is its engine, it is now using Gecko 2.0 which supports HTML5,CSS3,WebM and WebGL. It also uses a new javascript engine and XPCOM APIs. The JagerMonkey which is the javascript engine for firefox is one of the fastest engine in executing javascripts.

It also brings on Silent updates, like the Chrome which is a good thing and also its performance GPU and CPU wise is pretty impressive a notch better than Chrome.

Expect a full review, when it comes out.

That’s all for now

Peace Out!


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