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Thursday, March 10, 2011
If you haven’t heard the news about the potential of the Unreal engine 3, then you are missing out. In a gist, the new Unreal engine 3 fully supports the DirectX 11 and its assorted tools. One of the best feature of the new engine is how the Anti-aliasing is being used in image-based reflections, in other words, reflections from water and shiny surfaces makes it as realistic as ever.
Reflection shows importance in this Engine

Another great feature is how the MSAA really helps with the hair, it makes hair and facial hair as realistic as ever.

The unreal engine also supports deffered rendering the same techinique that was used in the Kill zone technology and improvement with the Depth of Field by using the Bokeh algorithm.

Here is the trailier on where the Unreal Engine 3 was demonstraded perfectly.

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That’s all for now

Peace Out!!


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