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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Max Payne 3 Picture
Max Payne is Old and Bald, but still a Bad Ass

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
One of the top happenings in Starcraft 2 in online and tournaments are the domination of the Protoss race. Those damn High Templars and their feedbacks are destroying both Terran and Zergs. The Protoss race also one of the most powerful combo on clashes with Vortex and Psi-Storm

Monday, March 28, 2011

One of the most anticipitated web series out there is the Kevin Tancharoen's Mortal Kombat: Rebirth. It is basically about Mortal Kombat the game, but the movie is more serious and more of a reboot of the franchise from the 2 disaster movie that gave Mortal Kombat a bad name and also movies based on Videogames.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
*Sorry I missed posting last Friday’s article because I had some important priorities to do.

On this week of Eijan’s Recommendation, I will discuss one of my favorite TV series of all time and why you should watch it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011
One thing I’m a fanatic about are browsers, there are around 6 browsers or more installed on my computer and all of them have their own features, but my primary browser of choice are Avant’s Orca Browser and Google Chrome, will Firefox 4 be included on my list? let see


It took me 3 days to fully test and play around with Firefox 4, and Mozilla’s new browser seems to have a lot of hits and also miss.

The Captain America Trailer was just released courtesy of E!
Here you go:

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
It’s the start of another week, and to start this week,its time for some movie news

Saturday, March 19, 2011

If you haven’t heard or haven’t tested the Beta releases and RC, well this might be a surprise for you but the Firefox 4 is coming out next week, March 22,2011

“A Nicolas Cage is now synonymous to a fucking bad movie” -Eijan

For my first Movie Review after a long time, I decided to watch in DVD (I was lucky I didn’t get the Blu-ray and wasted money) Season of the Witch. I have been a fan of Nic Cage since his early career especially after faceoff, the greatest action movie of all time!!. I was expecting this movie to be great as it was based on medieval times, I can’t remember a movie that didn’t do well at the box office which used Medieval times as their setting. Medieval times is synonymous to War,sword fighting. blood and arrogant kings. Well, this movie had it all, War, some sword fighting, an arrogant king and even witches and magic. With all that elements, this movie should be a sure thing at least reach a popcorn potential movie, right?! Wrong!!


Friday, March 18, 2011
*The first article of my new segment every friday, “Eijan’s Recommendation”. As I recommend all the stuffs I like and hopefully you will like it as well.

From the creators of Prison Break, Breakout Kings is about a squad of US Marshals who tries to catch prisoners who have escaped from Prison with the help of some ‘specia’” prisoners. These ‘special’ prisoners are unique and have certain special skills set that can help the US Marshals in their investigation. For the US Marshals to convince these ‘special’ prisoners they had to make a deal. The deal goes,if they agree to help, their sentences will be reduced and they will be transferred to a minimum-security facility. However, if any of them should try to escape, they will all be returned to their original prisons and their sentences will be doubled.


A Funny article I found at IGN.COM, about the 3 step plan of Mike Tyson  (err make it one) to get rid of your addiction from Angry Birds. Oh by the way, its available for the IPAD2.



That’s all for Now


Peace Out!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011
*It was released this week to us, getting my copy on Saturday or if I can, tomorrow

Joe Mauer is BACK!!

* Will get my copy hopefully by Saturday or Tomorrow (C’mon Datablitz, be on stock please!)

Please Be on Stock!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
One of my most anticipated game is Rockstar’s LA Noire. This project started on the year 2004 and after almost 6 years, it will be releasing this May. LA Noire is not your typical Sand box games, where you go point to point and completing missions after missions. Rockstar introduced some new innovation with the story ,gameplay and the whole art design.

Rockstar’s new Baby

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
 One of the best update happened last week and it was the introduction of the CLOUD, or in other words, Online Storage. This firmware update (3.60) makes PS3 owners have access to their own Online storage and they can put or take their own save files from there.


Monday, March 14, 2011
If you are wondering why the Internet is so slow in our country(Philippines) since the earthquake, I’m here to tell you why. Whatever ISP(PLDT, Sky, Digitel, Etc.)  you are using, I’m 100% sure that your ISP is affected and now is experiencing some slow download speed. In my experience right now, my download speed from download sites are a measly 8-10kb/s and my download speed on highly seeded torrents is at maximum 99kb/s. This is down from 355kb/s download speed that I usually get. If you do a speedtest, it will tell you that your Internet speed is normal but they didn’t tell you that there is a lot of ping and delay right now that’s why downloading continuous stream of data is slow.

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Like what I said in my last post, this article is about the second TV show that caught my attention this upcoming season.

Game Of Thrones


Friday, March 11, 2011
One thing I love is watching TV series especially if it is a good one. Upon countless of hours and reading news and rumors about upcoming TV series and renewals, I decide to write a preview of the new shows. Among all the new tv series that will be shown this upcoming season, two really left a mark.I will discuss today the first one, and expect tomorrow a full article about the second one.


Thursday, March 10, 2011
There are about 15 reviews, I’ll try to summarize all of them,bear with me.

The good things about the IPAD 2 are:

It was light and comfortable to hold on
+The Decreased weight was a good thing, but it is still slippery as hell without the cover.

Lighter but Faster. noticeable in daily use
+It was one third thinner and 15% lighter but twice as fast

The new Dual Processor really did his thing
+ The new Processor blew the old one but not that much

Games were faster and performed really well
+The graphics processors were 5.2% better in performance than the old one

now the bad things about the IPAD 2 are:


If you aren’t familiar with Rage, it is the upcoming new game from Doom and Quake Developers’ Id software that was 3 years in the making. It is the first game that Id software has partnered with the electronic giant, Electronic Arts, for the publication of this game. With marketing backing, this is expected to be a high profile game, and early demos of this game has already created buzz around the community as maybe the best upcoming FPS (first person shooter) around. As it dominated E3 2010, winning countless of awards with the playable demo.


Rage will follow some RPG element, something like Fallout and Borderlands. There are also some vehicle combat and racing in the game.

If you haven’t heard the news about the potential of the Unreal engine 3, then you are missing out. In a gist, the new Unreal engine 3 fully supports the DirectX 11 and its assorted tools. One of the best feature of the new engine is how the Anti-aliasing is being used in image-based reflections, in other words, reflections from water and shiny surfaces makes it as realistic as ever.
Reflection shows importance in this Engine

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Don’t you hate that every social network has their own messenger, and you have to open multiple messenger all in the same time to check for updates from your friends. Worry no more, as Trillian is the answer for all your social network problems. I have been using Trillian for 2 months now, and it drastically changed my life. Before, I used to have Yahoo messenger, a browser for facebook, Skype, Tweetdeck, Outlook(Mail and RSS) and Raptr open at the same time. The one thing I really hate is that I have to check every one of them time to time if there is a new status update. Trillian solves that problem.



Social network?! Trillian Supports it


Trillian easily connect your different IM, Mail and social network in just one platform.  It can easily connect to AIM, Windows Live, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook Chat, Jabber, Skype and a lot more. and Trillian 5 introduces improved Facebook Chat via XMPP and support for Foursquare, LinkedIn, and studiVZ / meinVZ / schuelerVZ chat!


All that is great, but the one thing I really loved with these software is how it synchronizes all the chat history from Facebook to YM flawlessly and it also synchronizes with another software that I use,Trillian for IPAD, easily. The best thing about chatting with Trillian is that there is only 1 chat window for chatting that is divided by tabs of people your chatting with. Skype’s video calling also runs beautifully with Trillian.


One Chat window, Multiple Tabs. So NEAT!!


Another great feature, is to be able to read status updates from Twitter and Facebook from the messenger itself, or you can have a mini notification of updates that appears on the side of your screen. It can also tell you if you received some mail. You can also download plugins from different users to support some social platform that wasn’t covered by Trillian, like PSN.


Check Status feeds from Twitter, Facebook on the Messenger itself


Lastly, Perhaps the best feature of Trillian is how it was coded as it was optimized for windows, it has very fast load times and doesn’t rely on third-party runtimes or toolkits. It only consumes just a constant 22k of memory.


The only downside of Trillian is it is not free. It costs a one time payment of 25 dollars, but every dollar is worth it.


PROS: All your social networking platforms + Mail + Feeds + More = Trillian. If your messenger can do it, Trillian can do it 100x much better

CONS: One time payment, but worth it

Eijan Says: Buy It! believe the hype!

Rating: (Out of 5 Stars)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

According to rumors GTA 5 would a high possibility being in Los Angele or Los Santos. A project by Rockstar known under the code name RUSH, has leaked a casting list of some of the possible characters to be found in the game.



Los Santos?


Rumors already circulated last year that GTA V would be in Los Angeles during the production of one of Rockstar’s new games, L.A. Noire.


Checking out the casting list, it seems that the characters details perfectly fit past GTA’s sarcastic and funny characters. Here is an example of the character list:


Mitch Hayes:

38 – Annoying, wise cracking, highly successful FBI agent. In great shape. Does triathlons, drinks low cal beer, but still has a sense of humor.

Miguel Gonzalez:

25 Young Mexican American FBI agent, caught between a few mob bosses. Very clean cut


23 – Moronic, almost inbred and creepy white trash hillbilly. Very naïve but in a creepy ‘it’s only incest sort of way’

Brother Adam:

Welsh monk / cult leader / yoga teacher – 50, very lithe, very into exploring your personal tension through gripping massage. Needs Welsh accent.

Mrs Avery:

Neurotic soccer mom, home maker, 48, anxious and addled on pain killers. Very angry at neighbor MRS Bell.

Mrs Bell:

Swinger, and mellow Californian divorcee. 45. Ugly but comfortable with self.


47 – Weed evangelist, guy who started smoking at 30, and is now a leading proponent of marijuana’s fantastic properties. White, awkward.

Ira Bernstein:

56 – publicist for an actress known as America’s newest sweetheart who just so happens to love animals, orphans, drugs and sex. He’s always trying to hide her latest indiscretion.

Kevin De Silva:

18 – Albert’s fat, FPS playing gamer son. Smokes a lot of weed, has anxiety issues and a card for a bad back, very soft, very opinionated. Into making racist comments while playing online.

Harut Vartanyan:

42-52 years old – Armenian car dealer, moneylender, would be Fagin and would be bully. Heavily connected to the underworld, but irritates people so much no one likes him.


Here is the full casting list of RUSH, Check it out 


Here are some of the past important rumors GTA 5:

Feb 25, 2011
According to reports, Rockstar Games has recently registered new website domains that sound like they could belong to GTA 5's in-game Internet (assuming GTA V has an in-game Internet, as GTA IV did). The domains are:,,,, and If they were indeed registered for GTA V's in-game Internet, then it suggests that the game is set in relatively modern times, since the World Wide Web only became popular in the mid-1990s. Some have speculated that CashForDeadDreams could be a parody of Cash4Gold (or Cash For Clunkers?), that HammersteinFaust is a parody of Goldman Sachs, and that LifeInvader is a parody of LifeLock, or even possibly Facebook.

Dec 17, 2010
Michael "Mystic Meg" Pachter, the infamous Wedbush Morgan analyst, today predicted what most of us predicted two years ago - that the next Grand Theft Auto (GTA 5) will arrive in late 2011 or early 2012. "We fully expect the next instalment of Grand Theft Auto to be released by Q4:12 at the latest, as the company's contracts with the three employees most instrumental in the game's development [Les Benzies, Sam and Dan Houser] expire in January 2012," said Pachter. In 2009, Pachter predicted that development of the game was likely to be concluded in 2010.


That’s all for now

Peace Out!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

* This Review was already done last December 22,2010, But I had to double check and test the game more to review the little things.

*I will try to make this review as short as possible and also talk in layman’s term




It took 5 years for Sony to unleash GT5 to the PS3 Users. If I were to be asked if the hype live up to the expectation, the answer would be a yes and a no.


Yes, as GT5 is the best driving simulator around, the keyword is SIMULATOR. If you are looking for arcade racing with a lot of damage and just want to race immediately  once you boot the disc in. Well, this game is ain’t for you, as precision and some car know how is really needed for this game.


Another thing I really liked about this game besides visual is the photo mode. Photo mode is basically photo whoring your car with different background using a DSLR. One thing that i loved about photo mode is practicing with the DSLR's different settings and finding that perfect picture.


Who said photographing cars are boring

One of the best thing about GT5 is how they create the physics of the cars and tracks as close as to their real life counterpart. It is so realistic that I tried an experiment. I drove around Nurburgring with an Mercedes SLS and then checked my best time against some of real time data averages of an SLS and there were only .9 sec difference between our times. I like how the cars handle in this game, you just can’t put different tune up parts carelessly and hope for the best with the  default setting. You really have to tweak the car and I’m telling you now that raising a HP of an FR car is no fun at all because without tweaking the settings, your car would drastically suffer from oversteering and makes you look like a fat ballerina on Ice.


The constant updates is a welcome addition for the consumers because it makes the impression that the game creators really loves this game and really want to improve and not just profiting from the consumers.


Now the Bad. I really didn’t enjoyed career mode that much as it didn’t change that much since the early GT games, it is still boring as hell and the constant grinding is frustrating. I hope they introduce some story soon to make it a bit appealing. The online mode is fun for a while but becomes boring fast as there are no actual benefit to be honest, its like just having an exhibition race with other people. I didn’t like that 80% of the cars are only standard edition, it means that they were just rip from previous games and just improved the details a bit and I know it took the creators 2 months just to recreate a premium car in the game, but this is not an excuse for having majority of the cars in standard edition. Another thing I didn’t like is that the you will not appreciate the game if you are just using an standard controller because precision is required with this game and buying those expensive steering wheels is a must.



Side by Side (Premium vs. Standard)

PROS: Visual, Photo mode is a blast, Constant Updates, Realistic physics

Cons: Boring Career and Online modes. Standard Cars, Must have a steering wheel to enjoy.

Eijan Says: If you are a car nut, buy this game!

RATING: (Out of 5 Stars)


I'm officially back

To mark my return, i'll focus on two upcoming games that caught my attention and flying under people's radar. The first game is Deus Ex: Human Revolution

If you don't know what Deus Ex is, it is one of the best games in the early 2000s,as it was the first one of its kind to introduce a RPG element to a first shooter game. What made it more unique,even though the gameplay is already great, is its unique story telling. As it is the innovator in introducing multiple branching story path depending on the player's decision. You're character can turn into bad guy depending with the player's decision which made the game fun to play.

Deus Ex:Human Revolution according to the producers would feature one of the best storylines with multiple endings depending on the player's decision.

Here is a trailer of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

That's all for now

Peace Out

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