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Sunday, February 28, 2010
I heard about this game around 2 years ago, the thing that struck me was that its a game which is mostly QTE events, if you don't know what is QTE,well, let me explain, QTE or Quick time events is a type of gameplay where certain actions (button presses) will appear on screen during a CGI cutscene. you have to do the required actions in a certain time around 1-2 sec and the upcoming events of the cutscene will depend on your actions. A successful action would lead to a positive result (i.g. Beating up bad guys) and failing to the action sometimes lead the cutscene to an negative event (i.g. Bad guys beating up your character). I have been a big fan of QTE since the early days of Shenmue, which i can confident say is the GodFather of QTE because they were the first one to successfully implement it on a game. But there have been no games that the whole game was QTE based, so Heavy Rain was the exception, its rather an interesting concept, the thing about the QTE as a genre, for me, i feel that you should have a strong storyline that has many subplots so that you can avoid letting the story be a linear one, and based on the review, Heavy Rain was able to pull it off.

For the rest of the review,check the video below, courtesy of G4TV

The Pros
  • Lack of a "fail state" provides unique pressure
  • Provokes both emotional and "gamer" responses
  • Sets a fine example for future story-heavy games

The Cons
  • Problems with plot consistency
  • Outside cultural influences seep into setting
  • Distracting discrepancy between cut-scene and in-game animation

out of 5 Stars

Eijan says: You should definitely PLAY IT, this might be a new genre for gaming

That's all for now

Peace Out!!


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