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Sunday, February 21, 2010
I decided to do some light modding to 'Cordoba', so that i can utilize the window. I am not into modding that much because its a lot of hard work, especially the UV kit for your PSU cables, that thing is really really hard and somewhat risky because one wrong move and you wouldn't be able to use your PSU again. I decided just to go with some CCFL and a sound controller. I had no trouble installing them, and you should check out my videos below for the full explanation and also the final outcome of the modding.

Here are some pictures after i modded 'Cordoba'

The Upper Part of the Case
Click the Image to see in Hi-res

Decided to hid the sound controller on top of the expansion slots
for easy access
Click the Image to see in Hi-Res

Turned on the lights
Click the Image to see in Hi-Res

A Closer look
Click the Image to see in Hi-Res

With the lights turned off
Click the Image to see in Hi-Res

Here are the videos

Well That's all for Now

Peace Out!!


tal said...

where from did you buy it ?

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