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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
One of my guilty pleasure is watching TV series, and trust me, i have almost seen them all, but one thing i like are those TV series that are very good but nobody watches them because of their questionable time slots. One such series is Merlin, Merlin like the name imply is about the same Merlin from the Arthurian legends. The only difference in this series from the legends is that Arthur and Merlin are of the same age which is around early 20ish, i think the producers wanted a more approachable and go lucky version of Merlin to the audience rather than the grumpy,be crazed old man that the Arthurian legends portray. Another good thing with this series is that the time frame of the series is around where Arthur is just a prince, which is another welcome addition i might add, and as a result, Arthur's image is more of a energetic cocky young prince who has his own weaknesses and because of this, its a lot more enjoyable to watch him rather than the perfect and coy version of Arthur when he is already a king like stated on the Arthurian legends. Don't be thinking that this series is light years away from the Arthurian legends; trust me, this series might be the closest to the Arthurian legends compared to all those movies and series that were based on the legends, i think the only show that can beat it to its loyalty to the Arthurian legend was the 2 part mini series of Hallmark called Merlin which starred Sam Neill. I like this series a lot because of the chemistry between Arthur and Merlin are funny as hell, well here are some clips from one of my fave episode of Merlin, and use this as a basis, if you want to see the series or not, in this episode, Arthur has been cast under a spell by a rival king so that he is attracted to a princess of a rival kingdom and hoping a war starts between Camelot and of that rival kingdom.

Here is the trailer of the first season

Well that's all for now

Peace Out!!


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