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Thursday, February 18, 2010

As few of you know, Zootfly ( the creator of Panzer Elite) is making a Prison Break game, which is based on the first season. Let me level with you, I was a huge Prison Break fan, but as the series progress, it became at one point that i can't bear watching the series anymore, around season 4, because of the ridicolous plot and storyline. I thought the Company was all so powerful but when they reached season 4, the Company was just a stupid organization that was run by a dumb general, wtf!. So like i said, seeing the first screenshots of the game and brief description, its no suprise, that this game will be a bad bad bad game, so do me a favor, don't buy the game and please don't even play it. Well, might as well tell you the plot of the game, you will be playing Tom Paxton, a company agent trying to find out why Michael Scofield became a bank robber and sent himself to prison, so you will be going undercover as a prison mate yourself inside Fox River, and befriending the show's protagonist. I'm telling you this game is sounding like the bad adaptation of the CSI and Lost videogames. Here are some screenshots of the games, some heavily photoshopped screenshots btw.

Well that's all for now!!

Peace out!


Anonymous said...

you dumbass

Eijan Ochoco said...

LoL, i think you're the dumb ass. An illiterate dumb ass, i might add, you can't even type a grammatically correct sentence, I pity you. HAHAHA

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