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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jax and Kano awake gingerly from the explosion while the gunfight between Stryker's men and the Black Dragon clan continues. Sonya sneaks up behind three of Kano's men and maliciously kills them. She then enters a security control room. Upon observing Kano running from Jax on a closed-circuit monitor, she flees to find them.

Jax, still demanding to know where Sonya is being held, engages another fist fight with Kano, who continues to taunt him with threats against Sonya. This sets Jax off in a rage and he retaliates with increasing force. After savagely beating Kano into a stupor, Jax lands one final left hook squarely on Kano's eye, cracking the socket and dislodging his eyeball. Sonya arrives to see Kano unconscious and Jax resting. She takes out one final henchman but not before he tosses a grenade towards her partner. Jax rises and runs towards Sonya to keep her safe from the blast.

To learn more, watch the entire episode:

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!


App Developers Gurgaon said...

Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

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