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Tuesday, April 5, 2011
A group of hackers is threating Sony that they will hack their website and the PlayStation store.

It seems that Anonymous is demanding that Sony would allow free distribution of information, in other words, allow piracy and jailbreaks.

This is a response by Anonymous to Sony’s action against George Hotz (legal actions), the one who first cracked the internal gates of the PS3.

Here is the video:

I really can’t say anything much here, but one thing man..I also want some FREE INFORMATION…… on where this Anonymous’ group is hiding, I want to see how fucking smart they are when a company standing at there door with thousands of gamers ready to smash them..Fuck you Anonymous, you are just a fucking thorn. You bunch of freaks, watching too much V for Vendetta.

I’m okay with jail breaking, but running pirated software especially games that costs millions to develop and marketed by some dedicated developers, c’mon man, that is so wrong!! running those small apps like for the IPAD and IPhone is ok for me, cause those softwares are cheap and fast to make and majority of them are free anyway and asks for donation but these console games,it is a different story, it takes years of planning,developing and marketing, and I want to reward these people making the game I like by gladly paying for their product. So those who jailbreaks their PS3 and running pirated software on it, well Fuck you too, You are those bunch of people who just leech on someone’s hard work, and to be honest if you ask me, you should be ban and never be able to play a videogame your whole life, one huge FUCK YOU!! buy freaking original software,its cheap

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!


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