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Thursday, April 14, 2011
One of the newest and coolest hardware that making noise right now is Sifteo’s Sifteo cubes.

Small and Compact

Created by two MIT graduates, these devices are basically state of the art game cubes. It has wireless communication with a built in 32 bit CPU and 128x128 pixel display. It has a built in 3 axis motion sensing accelerometer and has an 4 hour rechargeable battery. Measuring only at 4.3cmx4.3cmx1.9 cm, it is very small and compact.

it communicates with each other

The potential of this hardware is immerse, as it can be a cheap alternative for gamers looking for some new innovative gameplay but most importantly a future teaching tool for the kids. Rather than parents investing with those building blocks, they can just buy these devices and just download program from the net. *Todays kids are so lucky!!

It has the potential to be a Child’s learn thingy

But one thing that concerns me is that if it will be heavily supported by the community, as we all know, even though you have a kick ass hardware, if there is no software to support it, you are basically dead like a fish above water. Similar what happened to Kinect and the Move right now, cool hardware but not enough software to support it.  Another issue with these things, is that you will need a computer near by so that it can communicate with the software and each other.

Small and Portable

The Sifteo Cubes launches late this year with an introductory price of 150 dollars, it comes with 3 cubes, a charging dock, power adapter and an USB wireless link. A cube will cost 40 dollars each, and you can use 6 cubes at a time.

Here is a video of how these thing works, Watch IT and be Amazed!

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!


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