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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
*Might have some spoilers, be Warned
Ned Stark
What can I say, I was blown away with the opening sequence as if my imagination when I was reading the novels turned to reality. I was amazed how they depicted the Great Ice wall and also the land of Westeros especially Winterfell. * If you have a hard time knowing the geography of Westeros, it is basically like Italy with 7 kingdoms (Like Rome,Naples,Turin etc.), it has a wall on the north that blocks off other clans, and on the west across the ocean is Pentos were the heir of the Mad King resides. Think Westeros as Italy, the northern wall is somewhat the Rubicon which separates the Old roman empire from the Gauls and across the Mediterranean is Greece which is depicted as Pentos here. Some little history for you.

Tyrion “The Imp” Lannister

I have already read the first two books of this novel, and some people might have a hard time adjusting with the names of the characters and their relations especially if the show has tons of point of view but after a while or so, you will soon be familiar with the characters and their silly personality. I’m amazed on how they stayed loyal to the book as every page came to life, of course there are some added scenes to give the show more sense, but it was a welcome edition. I really like how Sean Bean portrayed Ned Stark the protagonist of the novel, as he really got it right on, portraying him as the caring,family loving and grim (not shielding his children to the harsh reality of their world) lord of Winterfell. I also liked the performance of Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister aka the Imp, the brother of the queen, he really got the mischievous perverted character right on (FYI, this is my favorite
character in the series as he will be  instrumental for the coming events). But one thing that carried the show was the performance of the children, as they were great and really felt genuine.

Jaime “Kingslayer” Lannister

One thing that worries me is the sets and costume design, don’t get me wrong, they were amazing but I have this phobia that started with HBO’s old franchise, Rome, it was one of my favorite shows, and it was a financial juggernaut and the critics love it but was ended short because the whole show was too expensive and they run out of budget. I hope this show lasts as it really deserves it because of its great story and characters. Another thing that I kinda didn’t like was the depiction of Khal Drogo during his love scene with Daenerys, it showed animal lust but in the novel, Khal Drogo was more of a romantic, well it’s a small price to pay for a great series.

Daenerys Targaryen

I can’t wait for the next episode, this is a must watch SERIES!!

PROS: Loyal to the book; page by page, Actors were perfectly cast, Great performances by the actors. Huge Sets and great production designs

Cons: Have to wait for Episode 2, Khal Drogo was depicted more of a brute than a romantic brute *haha

Rating: (out of 5 stars)



That’s all for now,

Peace out!!


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