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Monday, April 18, 2011
The biggest news in the gaming world last week was the rumors about Nintendo’s Wii 2, also known as ‘Project Café’. And maybe two of the talk about topics about it are its processor and its controller. According to rumors, Project Café’s processor is much powerful compared to the Xbox360 and PS3, it seems as no surprise to me because when I think about it,  PS3’s CPU, CELL, a 3.2 GHZ microprocessor that was developed by Sony with IBM and Toshiba is already old and in fact, the one inside the PS3 is the first commercial model which is really under par with the new CELL processors being made today. The Xbox360 uses a CPU which is as powerful as the CELL but has an architectural difference compared to the CELLS as this one uses 3 cores vs. a single core for the CELL.

The Italian Plumber is again happy with this news

But one rumor about the WII that made people curious is its controller, gone is those terrible Wimote (which is really badly designed IMO) and is being replaced with a standard controller, that has 2 dual analogs, shoulder buttons,face buttons,direction pads and wait for it……….an LCD Touch screen. Similar to the Dreamcast controller and the VMU. But to make this more interesting, it is said that the controller is wireless and the LED display is on full HD and shows interactive elements and even stream the full game screen to the controller.
IGN’s Concept Controller

I was reading IGN’s article about how the controller would be design if it would have those ‘said’ features, it seems that the controller would have an CPU for its LCD screen and will need to use a newer draft version of the newest Bluetooth technology would be needed if streaming games at full HD is to be accomplished and on top of that the cost of such screen is already at least 80 dollars, so  the controller’s price can jack up to at least 100 dollars. Seriously man, their controller just sounds like an remodel of the DS.

Sounds like a Slight Different DS

I have a WII and I never liked it, not because of the lack of choices of games (*which is far and few) but the stupid NEED ( You can’t play w/o the peripherals) for peripherals especially when playing playing those flagship games. I don’t like paying additional money for peripherals that I will be using with just a few games, it seems unnecessary and just a waste of money, I hope if I were to buy their 100 dollar rumored controller, I hope Nintendo don’t ask me more money for some sort of Peripherals that will make the motion sensing more accurate.


That’s all for Now,

Peace Out!!


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