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Sunday, January 31, 2010
I was able to sell my Magic cards for 11k which was a good thing bringing my total income to 25k, the bad news is that the cost rocketed from the indicated goal of 24k to 34k, 34160 to be exact, and i'm roughly 9k short, with no items to sell for big bucks, looks like i have to get a loan *updated Loan is approved, its a Go* i don't want to reveal the final specs yet, but hopefully i can get these items by Saturday and HOPEFULLY i can make a video of the unboxing and post it on my blog, i already did one for my mobo which i will be posting on Wednesday.

To another topic, i did some benchmarking with the Dell Optiplex 755, and somehow i'm embarrassed to show it, because there very low, but i'll post it anyway

Click the pic to enlarge

I did the test on 3dmark vantage, 3Dmark vantage is a industry standard benchmarking tool that measures how your rig can handle graphics, there are two versions of this software the 3dMark06 which measures how your pc can handle DX9 ( i didn't take it because DX9 is old technology already) and there's vantage which measures DX10, as you can see, my cpu recieved pussy scores, my processor had high scores ( i don't know if my processor was underclocked or at a normal state when the test was done, i'm assuming its on a normal state), while the GPU,Videocard, received insanely low scores giving me an average of E 2732, the 'E' stands for the test i took which is the 'entry' test which had a resolution of 1280 x 1024, the average score of people today is around 10,000, so 2732 is a very very low score.


I did some tests on 3dmark06 and i received a much lower score than the Vantage, it seems that my videocard has a hard time being on the DX9 rather than DX10

Click the Image to enlarge

I also stress test my pc using PRIME95 and somehow the default settings of the Dell mobo is very bad and not truly optimized and the worst part is that you can't change it, it seems that there is 1.3v in the CPUVID and if its stressed enough, it goes to 1.325, which is very high, as a result after stressing the PC for an hour i almost reached the threshold of 80C and i had to stop the test fearing that i might damage the CPU, the idle temp of my pc is around 40C which is very high, it should be around 25C only, with proper cooling and CPUVID, the CPUVID should only be around 1.215 and being at 1.3 is already over voltage and the extra voltage only bring excess wattage and more importantly excess heat.

I can't wait to assemble the new upgrade and hopefully, it can perform much better than these thing. As a note Q6600 is the best OC-able quad core and if your tough enough you can OC it to 4GHZ and beating the much more expensive Intel i7 920

That's all for now

Peace OUT!!


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