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Monday, April 26, 2010


Saw this movie 2-3 weeks ago, and this is a good movie. It is about a married couple who feels that the romance of their relationship have feel boring because they keep doing the same old routine over and over again. Until one day, Steve Carell’s character decided to bring his wife, Tina Fey’s character', out for a romantic date like the old times which eventually led them into mistakenly being part of a criminal boss scheme and being involved with corrupt police and politicians.


The movie itself is very funny, and nothing short of good laughs the thing you expect from Steve Carell and Tina Fey. But the one thing that struck me with this movie is the performances of James Franco, Mark Wahlberg and William Fichtner, they never failed to make me laugh in a good way.


The only thing negative about the movie is that it is just a good movie and not a great movie, a typical movie that you will forget 2 years from now. It didn’t have that “WoW” factor that makes a movie memorable.



PROS: Good performance by the Lead cast and also supporting cast. Very Funny, the story was nice with an interesting twist in the end. Good pacing (makes you forget that it has been 2 hours already)

CONS: Didn’t have the ‘WoW’ factor to make the movie memorable


Eijan Says: If you are bored, definitely grab this movie once the DVD comes out, its very funny and truly enjoyable.

RATING: (out of 5 stars)

sc-goldstars1 sc-goldstars1 sc-goldstars1  





That’s all for now




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