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Monday, April 12, 2010
As you might have already know, there wouldn’t be any Spiderman 4, instead Sony opted to reboot the franchise which resulted to assembling a new cast for the reboot franchise and also a story much more loyal to the comic book. Early reports suggest that Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) has been the favorite to cast as the new Peter Parker and also the movie will be shown in 3D.

The release date of the movie is on July 3, 2012, the only thing I ponder upon is that if they will use the James Cameron Story board which he made in 1992, I already read the story board and its so damn good because it is really loyal to the comic book especially Peter Parker’s personality which is cocky yet funny unlike the emo-love freaking Peter parker in Raimi’s adaptation (which sucks by the way).

Here are some pics of James Cameron’s Story board

spider_img024 spider_img064 spider_img115 spider_img117

Here is the link of the WHOLE STORY BOARD

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!


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