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Friday, April 9, 2010


The Expendables is an action movie starring Sylvester Stallone, and also directed and written by Stallone himself (Let’s hope this is not another Rambo). It also stars many of the early 90’s action stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Dolph “Robbers Beware” Lundgren, Jet Li and Mickey Rourke. It also stars the new action stars like Jason Statham, Randy Couture and Steve Austin. And to bring a little bit of humor Terry “odor away” Crews has also been cast.


You might be wondering what is up with the nickname of Dolph Lundgren, well here is the story

Armed robbers fled after discovering the home they had broken into belonged to 'tough guy' actor Dolph Lundgren.

The masked raiders tied up the star's wife and terrorised her into handing over cash and jewellery by threatening her with knives.

But they cut short their raid on the house near Marbella, Spain, after spotting a family photo of the action star and his children in one of the bedrooms.

Luckily for the gang, Lundgren - most famous for playing Russian boxer Ivan Drago in Rocky IV - was out.

Read more:

Now back to the topic, the plot of the movie is rather simple:


An assembly of hired guns are sent on a mission to a South American country, with the objective to overturn the cold-blooded despot in charge

And like i said before, a simple plot equals box office success. To add more on this story, I read somewhere in the internet that the big honchos on top really like the screener of the movie and there are already talks not just for one but TWO movies and making this a franchise.  I might say, being a die hard action fan, I can’t wait for this movie.


Here is the Trailer of the movie:


That’s all for now




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