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Monday, April 26, 2010


I saw this movie during it’s premiere and if you are consistently reading my blog, you know that i have been a fan of this movie for months now and this was my no.1 movie to watch this summer.


I have read the comic book prior to watching the movie and to give you some heads up, Mark Millar (author of the comic book) and the writers of the movie basically agreed on a plot to follow, this happened 2 years ago, so to make the story short, the comic book and the movie’s plot are the same, the only differences are that the ending is slightly off compared to the comic book, there are additional scenes in the movie so that you can understand the characters more and the a very key event of someone’s death because in the comics the death was quick and fast while in the movie it was slightly dramatic. Overall, both are the same but if i were to choose, i have to select the movie because it brought some overall completeness with the story.


I really like how they add some additional scenes that were not present in the comics because it made the audience understand the characters more and also like the character at the same time. The movie mostly stars up and comers except for Nicolas cage.  Aaron Johnson and Christopher Mintz-Plasse both did a good job in bringing their comic characters to life but for me Chloe Grace Moretz stole the show with her performance of Hit-Girl. You really wanted to cheer her on as she fought the bad guys and also her innocent look and explicit language is a dangerous chemistry that brought the audience laughing to their hearts content.


The only negative i can say with the movie is that it is very violent thus resulting for an R rating, which can hurt it’s box office success. I WANT A DAMN SEQUEL!! so please people, WATCH THIS MOVIE


PROS: Great Story, Improved version of the Comic Book, Great performance by the actors, Chloe Moretz stole the show!!, Worth the damn wait.


CONS: R-rated because of over the top violence, Sequel is still up in the air


Eijan Says: This movie rocks!! Definitely see it in the movie house, also grab the DVD/Blu-Ray once it comes out because it has 18 mins of additional footage. 


RATING: (Out of 5 stars)












That’s all for now




Saw this movie 2-3 weeks ago, and this is a good movie. It is about a married couple who feels that the romance of their relationship have feel boring because they keep doing the same old routine over and over again. Until one day, Steve Carell’s character decided to bring his wife, Tina Fey’s character', out for a romantic date like the old times which eventually led them into mistakenly being part of a criminal boss scheme and being involved with corrupt police and politicians.


The movie itself is very funny, and nothing short of good laughs the thing you expect from Steve Carell and Tina Fey. But the one thing that struck me with this movie is the performances of James Franco, Mark Wahlberg and William Fichtner, they never failed to make me laugh in a good way.


The only thing negative about the movie is that it is just a good movie and not a great movie, a typical movie that you will forget 2 years from now. It didn’t have that “WoW” factor that makes a movie memorable.



PROS: Good performance by the Lead cast and also supporting cast. Very Funny, the story was nice with an interesting twist in the end. Good pacing (makes you forget that it has been 2 hours already)

CONS: Didn’t have the ‘WoW’ factor to make the movie memorable


Eijan Says: If you are bored, definitely grab this movie once the DVD comes out, its very funny and truly enjoyable.

RATING: (out of 5 stars)

sc-goldstars1 sc-goldstars1 sc-goldstars1  





That’s all for now




I shall keep this review short because my mama says that if you ain’t got nothing nice to say, don’t say nothing at all.


It is hard to find anything positive with this movie, because it really sucks. The plot was bad and so predictable that you can easily get the whole story by just watching the first 5 minutes of this movie. The actors, Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried, were boring as hell and their chemistry is also as boring. The movie took almost 2 hours to finish, and i might say that was the longest 2 hours of my life. 


I really don’t know why i downloaded this movie and watched it, i think i was bored that time.



PROS: None *wish there were any


CONS: Everything from the plot to the boring actors


Eijan Says: Nicolas Sparks’ recent writing and story telling sucks big time, i think that releasing books in a fast pace has this affect. He is now just a commercialized author, pity. This movie is also a SKIP IT movie. 


RATING: (out of 5 stars)



That’s all for now


Peace Out!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I’ll be resuming blogging tomorrow, Monday, i have some posts that i haven’t finished yet because of some chaotic schedules and also some alone time with myself, after finishing up the school term i needed time to rest my brain.. but i’ll be back tomorrow


Tune In


Peace Out

Monday, April 12, 2010
As you might have already know, there wouldn’t be any Spiderman 4, instead Sony opted to reboot the franchise which resulted to assembling a new cast for the reboot franchise and also a story much more loyal to the comic book. Early reports suggest that Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) has been the favorite to cast as the new Peter Parker and also the movie will be shown in 3D.

The release date of the movie is on July 3, 2012, the only thing I ponder upon is that if they will use the James Cameron Story board which he made in 1992, I already read the story board and its so damn good because it is really loyal to the comic book especially Peter Parker’s personality which is cocky yet funny unlike the emo-love freaking Peter parker in Raimi’s adaptation (which sucks by the way).

Here are some pics of James Cameron’s Story board

spider_img024 spider_img064 spider_img115 spider_img117

Here is the link of the WHOLE STORY BOARD

That’s all for now

Peace Out!!
Friday, April 9, 2010

Tom Dickerson is back with a new episode of his popular Youtube series “Will it Blend” and on this episode he tries to blend a brand new Apple IPAD. I rather have the Blentec blender anyday than an IPAD.

* you should check some of the previous episode of this popular series.

Here is the video, CHECK IT OUT:

That’s all for now



Matthew Weathers is back, if you don’t know him, he is a Math Professor in Biola University. He made another cool new video for April fools and my god, this guy is amazing. I really admire teachers who makes their class laugh or bring something new to the table in terms of entertaining the class. If your curious about how the video was done, click the link by the end of the video. I wish i have a professor as cool as Matthew Weathers.


Here is the video, check it out:



Here is the link for his past video, the one he made for Halloween.


That’s all for now




The Expendables is an action movie starring Sylvester Stallone, and also directed and written by Stallone himself (Let’s hope this is not another Rambo). It also stars many of the early 90’s action stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Dolph “Robbers Beware” Lundgren, Jet Li and Mickey Rourke. It also stars the new action stars like Jason Statham, Randy Couture and Steve Austin. And to bring a little bit of humor Terry “odor away” Crews has also been cast.


You might be wondering what is up with the nickname of Dolph Lundgren, well here is the story

Armed robbers fled after discovering the home they had broken into belonged to 'tough guy' actor Dolph Lundgren.

The masked raiders tied up the star's wife and terrorised her into handing over cash and jewellery by threatening her with knives.

But they cut short their raid on the house near Marbella, Spain, after spotting a family photo of the action star and his children in one of the bedrooms.

Luckily for the gang, Lundgren - most famous for playing Russian boxer Ivan Drago in Rocky IV - was out.

Read more:

Now back to the topic, the plot of the movie is rather simple:


An assembly of hired guns are sent on a mission to a South American country, with the objective to overturn the cold-blooded despot in charge

And like i said before, a simple plot equals box office success. To add more on this story, I read somewhere in the internet that the big honchos on top really like the screener of the movie and there are already talks not just for one but TWO movies and making this a franchise.  I might say, being a die hard action fan, I can’t wait for this movie.


Here is the Trailer of the movie:


That’s all for now



Monday, April 5, 2010


I have been a fan of Terry Crews since his battle dome days and through his Everybody hates Chris days. I find the guy so damn funny because his physique doesn’t go with his attitude and moves, it is so suave and flexible. Here is some new Videos from his new AD and they are funny as hell. 












That’s all for now



This is pretty straight forward..and also very funny








That’s all for now




If you read my past blog (LINK HERE) about the PS3 successfully being hacked by the guy who hacked the IPHONE, you might be jumping with excitement and anticipation of running cheap pirated games. I really hate to tell you this, but it seems it will never happen.


The guy who hacked the ps3 used the old PS3 which was the ‘PHAT’ one and by using one of the cool feature of the old ps3 which is installing a LINUX OS to the unit, he was able to bypass the 7 security gates of the PS3, and he told the world by just installing some programs via the LINUX OS, hacking the PS3 would be a breeze.


This is where Sony steps in, as you all know, the SLIM one no longer have the feature of installing a OS, so it seems that the SLIM one is safe from hackers, while the PHAT isn’t. Sony has just released a firmware update last week for the PHAT which disables the installing OS and also makes an installed OS inaccessible. Even though the UPDATE is OPTIONAL, it is still a must because you can’t play any online games until you update your firmware.


Sorry hacker(s) but SONY has the last laugh on this matter.


That’s all for now



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