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Sunday, January 31, 2010
I was able to sell my Magic cards for 11k which was a good thing bringing my total income to 25k, the bad news is that the cost rocketed from the indicated goal of 24k to 34k, 34160 to be exact, and i'm roughly 9k short, with no items to sell for big bucks, looks like i have to get a loan *updated Loan is approved, its a Go* i don't want to reveal the final specs yet, but hopefully i can get these items by Saturday and HOPEFULLY i can make a video of the unboxing and post it on my blog, i already did one for my mobo which i will be posting on Wednesday.

To another topic, i did some benchmarking with the Dell Optiplex 755, and somehow i'm embarrassed to show it, because there very low, but i'll post it anyway

Click the pic to enlarge

I did the test on 3dmark vantage, 3Dmark vantage is a industry standard benchmarking tool that measures how your rig can handle graphics, there are two versions of this software the 3dMark06 which measures how your pc can handle DX9 ( i didn't take it because DX9 is old technology already) and there's vantage which measures DX10, as you can see, my cpu recieved pussy scores, my processor had high scores ( i don't know if my processor was underclocked or at a normal state when the test was done, i'm assuming its on a normal state), while the GPU,Videocard, received insanely low scores giving me an average of E 2732, the 'E' stands for the test i took which is the 'entry' test which had a resolution of 1280 x 1024, the average score of people today is around 10,000, so 2732 is a very very low score.


I did some tests on 3dmark06 and i received a much lower score than the Vantage, it seems that my videocard has a hard time being on the DX9 rather than DX10

Click the Image to enlarge

I also stress test my pc using PRIME95 and somehow the default settings of the Dell mobo is very bad and not truly optimized and the worst part is that you can't change it, it seems that there is 1.3v in the CPUVID and if its stressed enough, it goes to 1.325, which is very high, as a result after stressing the PC for an hour i almost reached the threshold of 80C and i had to stop the test fearing that i might damage the CPU, the idle temp of my pc is around 40C which is very high, it should be around 25C only, with proper cooling and CPUVID, the CPUVID should only be around 1.215 and being at 1.3 is already over voltage and the extra voltage only bring excess wattage and more importantly excess heat.

I can't wait to assemble the new upgrade and hopefully, it can perform much better than these thing. As a note Q6600 is the best OC-able quad core and if your tough enough you can OC it to 4GHZ and beating the much more expensive Intel i7 920

That's all for now

Peace OUT!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010
I was doing some minor accounting for my expenses for the Dell Optiplex 755 Upgrade Project, and i think i have a major problem hahaha, looks like i have to sell my flesh for some PC hardware...Sexy Eijan Here We Go!!

Click The Pic For A Higher Quality

I think i have to get a Loan somewhere...damn.. Upgrading A PC is Hard work!

New Articles Will be Posted Later ( if i'm not lazy to type or tomorrow afternoon)

Peace Out!!
Monday, January 25, 2010

I was calculating on how much i will be spending for my computer upgrade project (Dell Optiplex 755), being just a student and not having a job, money is a little tight, during my calcuation i'm gonna need 24k for the remaining computer parts that i'm yet to buy, i decided to do some breakdown

6,000 - Money from Selling of my PSP
6,000 - Loan
2,000 - Money inside my wallet

total of 14,000 pesos

I really don't want to withdraw from my bank account because of the interest and i already withdrew 5000 to buy a new MOBO, soooo, asking money from my parents is really out of the question, it's against my, i was thinking, why don't i sell my old magic cards, so i took them out of my cabinet and started looking them and thinking how much money i can make by selling them,to my surprise, i can sell these for at least 10k, so for the next 2 hours i fixed them up and arranged them inside my binder

A different form of 10 k on my Bed

Checking Their Prices Online

The funny thing about this is that i never realize how much money i spent playing the Game of Magic, damn, all those wasted money ,well i hope i can at least make 10k during the weekend when i sell these cards

Well That's all for now

Peace Out
Funny video, staring Akebono, Funny shit.. if you don't know Akebono, he is a retire Sumo Star in Japan, He is the first Foreigner to have the title "Yokozuna"

Hope to post more topics later, need to do some accounting with my PC upgrade expenses

Peace out!!

Akebono Tarō (曙 太郎, Akebono Tarō?, born May 8, 1969 as Chad Haakeo Rowan[1]) is a retired sumo wrestler from Waimānalo, Hawaiʻi. Joining the professional sport in Japan in 1988, he was trained by pioneering Hawaiian sumo wrestler Takamiyama and rose swiftly up the rankings, reaching the top division in 1990. After two consecutive yusho or tournament championships in November 1992 and January 1993 he made history by becoming the first foreign born wrestler ever to reach yokozuna, the highest rank in sumo.

One of the tallest and heaviest wrestlers ever, Akebono's rivalry with the young Japanese hopes, Takanohana and Wakanohana, was a big factor in the increased popularity of sumo at tournament venues and on TV in the early 1990s.[2] During his eight years at the yokozuna rank, Akebono won a further eight tournament championships, for a career total of eleven, and was a runner-up on thirteen other occasions, despite suffering several serious injury problems. Although his rival yokozuna Takanohana won more tournaments in this period, their individual head-to-heads remained very close.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
AFTER 3 years, 2 months, 11 days

This is LEGIT! it's been hacked by the guy who hacked the i'm so excited


THAT's all for now

Dell Optiplex 755 Upgrade Project- The goal of this project is to upgrade my aging Optiplex 755 mini tower to an budget friendly gaming machine. By only spending 25k pesos(520 dollars)...Had to sell my PSPs, Ipods and countless days that i didn't spend a single dime *lonely music cues in* haha, i'll try to build a machine that is an above average gaming rig, to do that, i have to buy the most performance per price value hardware.

There are already plans on what to buy,concerning the upgrade, i'm 100% sure that i need to change my mobo and the chassis, because Dell's own mobo that comes with the system is so old and slow and the worst part of it that it doesn't follow the standard ATX architecture, so in other words, moving another ATX to the chassis of the optiplex 755 is out of the question and one thing i hate about the chassis is that you can't fit two slot Video Cards on it.

Here's the spec of my current dell optiplex 755 system:

PROCESSOR: INTEL Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.4 GHZ) 1033 MHZ FSB
RAM: 2 x 1GB PC2-5300 (333 MHZ)
VIDEO CARD: ATI Radeon HD 2400 pro 256MB 64 Bits
HARD DRIVE : 250 GB 7200 RPM Western Digital SATA
DRIVES: 1x DVD ROM and 1x DVD-RW Lite ON

I'll be posting a series of articles concerning the upgrade, i hope by a month, my rig will be complete..that's all for now,

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Post Grad stars Alexis Bledel ( Gilmore Girls, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants), Zach Gilford (Friday Night Lights), Michael Keaton (Batman), Jane Lynch (Glee) and Bobby Coleman (Martian Child), it is about a newly grad who is looking for her dream job, and that's about it, the plot of this movie is so coherent that its really confusing. There are so many subplots in this movie that's its so ridiculous and the worst part is that these plots doesn't even involved the main protagonist in anyway. I don't know if the director is on his right mind when he directed this film, it seems that he wanted to show off all his stars' talent by giving all of them their own storyline, which gave me the impression " wow look Michael Keaton has his own storyline and has a lot of screentime........huh!? i don't care about this guy, he isn't the POST GRAD anyway", This is really a bad movie, and its best you stay away from it, but if you want to watch, consider yourself warned. The only good thing that came from this movie is that it showed Alexis Bledel with her bra and Zach Gilford singing, oh yeah, i didn't also understand the ending, its a simple ending but the choice of the protagonist is really questionable. this is one crazy ass movie.that it

PROS: showing Alexis Bledel in a bra, Zach Gilford Singing, All-star Cast

CONS: Too Many to Mention, Story is so simple that it sucks, Sub Plots are waste of time, The character decision's in the movie are so stupid that even IR Buffon's choices are more logical

RATING: / 5 stars

Peace Out!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Having seen the movie like 4 times, and still yawning for more, i found this vid on the net. Avatard is the term for James Cameron Fanboys like me, This video shows how they basically created and able to pull of James Cameron's vision, the movie's script materialized on the year 1995, but the technology hasn't existed yet to pull it off. Fast forward 10+ years later, and behold, a revolutionary movie was shown to us and definitely one of the greatest movies of our lifetime. I like to write a review about it...but there are so many details to talk about, and a short review can't bring justice to Avatar, i might write the review on a long weekend next month, anyway, Here is a video how PANDORA was created..enjoy!

This are some videos i found in the net, they are really funny, it is based on some well known movies and games

This one is ain't that funny, but hell its very entertaining

Haha a very funny Parody of the Dark Knight, Funny shit haha

And of course, save the best for last, it's a tag team of Mactavish and Price from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare franchise working with the team of Edward and Jacob of Twilight...really funny haha

Hope You Enjoyed It

Peace Out!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I hate rats but this is funny as hell

Hope to write a review tomorrow night after i buy some new hardware(s)

so Peace out!! see ya tom!
Monday, January 18, 2010

Tue, 01/12/2010 - 3:51 pm

We men are always looking for a better deal, and that will always be true no matter where you go in the Universe.

Remember how, in high school, your first girlfriend was the most beautiful girl in the world? You were pretty sure you were going to spend the rest of your life with her, and you had planned (after prom of course), the many and creative names for your offspring. Then, of course, you met a girl from the high school across town. Your mind reeled in the face of the obviously-hotter girl from across town, and it wasn't long before your fantasies turned from your hypothetical children's names to a slicked-up-let's-just-see-what-happens girls lockerroom orgy with your crosstown rival's girls volleyball team.

Well you're older now. So here's a list of girls from the other side of the galaxy you may not have known about. Enjoy. You have so much to learn.

9. Serleena, Men in Black II

Serleena isn’t always hot. Like any woman, she has on days and off days. Sometimes she looks like the indefatigable Lara Flynn Boyle, sometimes she looks like a grossly pregnant Lara Flynn Boyle (see below video), and sometimes she looks like a Kylothian Queen. It’s just a matter of makeup. Lucky for us, most Men in Black II, this man-eater takes the shape easiest on our eyes. Would we sleep with her if it meant there was a good chance our man-pieces would be shredded and flung into the furtherst reaches of cold, dark, outer space? Depends on the list of positions we’re allowed.

8. Lisa, V

Lisa is the daughter of the Visitor High Commander, Anna. So you know she’s got money, she’s well-bread, and probably has good table manners. She looks like she keeps in shape, and is nothing of not polite. That little jumpsuit could stand to be tailored a little slimmer, but that’s an easy fix. And you know she’s down for a little cross species pollination (she’s certainly down with Tyler the Earthling).

7. Number 6, Battlestar Galactica

6 is the 6th in the line of the “significant sven” cylons, and she is designed to make your undercarriage tingle. She is a Cylon infiltrator with seduction techniques built-in and an obvious physical attractiveness. At the beginning of the series, it is a 6 copy that seduces one of the head researchers at the Colonial defense network. She then informs him that she’s going to use the information she gleaned from him to help the Cylons destroy most of humanity. Then they do. But the question that nobody ever asks is this: Was it worth it, Dr. Gaius Baltar? We’re thinking, yeah, it probably was.

6. Sil, Species

When the government uses alien DNA spliced with human DNA to created a docile, hybridized member of the universe, a few things can happen. Sometimes, like in Avatar, you can end up with a real good looking specimen that, it turns out, is pretty good natured. Of course, you may also end up with a specimen like Sil. An alien succubus that matures to the physicality of a 12 year old in 3 months and, before long, is going through every man she looks for trying to find a suitable organic specimen to seed her womb and ensure her future stability. So, it’s kind of like L.A.

5. Leeloo Dallas, 5Th Element

Leeloo is the divine weapon sheathed in a mortal coil sent to Earth to save us from a Great Evil called the Mondoshawan, which amounts to a sort of heaving, sun-like object that can make your head bleed across space and time. She’s also a redhead, so that’s pretty hot. With DNA many times more complex than our own, she was engineered to be the perfect being. She’s nice, she’s smart, she’s hot as hell, and the way she flipkicks Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg’s foot soldiers around, there’s no way the Cirque de Soleil style sexcapades she’d wrap you up in would result in anything but your own, below-the-belt super nova.

4. Polymastic Prostitute, Total Recall

Played by the ever-sporting Lycia Naff, the three-breasted woman from the Governator’s red planet thrill ride, Total Recall, burned her polymastic hotness into the brainpieces of adolescents the world over. Her titanic triumvirate titillated our young minds, daring us to dream of better, bigger things than what we had, or what we even thought possible. How many C students grew up to be astronauts because of their search for a symbolic (maybe?) three-breasted prostitute? If the answer is even one, then Lycia, your place on this list is well-deserved. VIDEO NSFW.

2girls1cup, and a goat.... - Watch more Funny Videos

3. Capt. Turanga Leela, Futurama

It’s either a testament to her attractiveness or the geek-osity of Futurama’s fan base, but an unfiltered Google search of Leela yielded far more fan-made pornography than any other member of this distinguished list. Voiced by Katey Sagal (the mom from Married with Children), Leela is the one-eyed siren that captains the Planet Express Ship. She and the thick-headed fry have had a somewhat awkward romance throughout the series which is, perhaps, the reason for her popularity. Every ginger fanboy out there sees this cyloptic siren as hope that he, one day, may also have sexy, spacey, steel-booted, purple-haired love.

2. Inara Serra, Firefly

Inara Serra was, tragically, attached to the doomed television series, Firefly. So, we don’t’ know her that well, but what we do know is just lovely. She was born in the 25th century and is of the caste Companion. Basically, she’s a high-class, space-prostitute. Kind of like a geisha for astronauts. These girls are no Shady Ladies, though. Part of their job is to nurture their client emotionally and psychologically. Inara herself is a Buddhist. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that it looks like she’d shag like a space-tiger. Who could pass up the hooker with a heart of gold?

1. Neytiri, Avatar

Here’s the thing about sexy blue aliens. They’re like the hot bartender, or the older woman, or the teacher. You probably wouldn’t want to marry one, live with one, or even date one for an extended period of time. But, damn, would you ever sleep with one. You’d sleep with one as hard as anything has slept with anything. Ever. Neytiri has many features desirable in a human female: long, lighte, muscular body, large eyes, an accent, a (other)worldliness about her. She’s all that and she’s blue. Sign us up.

Avatar Trailer - Watch more Funny Videos

TAKEN FROM, Thanks for for the find

That's all for now

Peace Out

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
After installing the Windows 7 to 5 pcs and a Mac Book, i can now finally review it. I have been using Windows 7 for almost 2 months now, and the thing i can say is that i'm really impress, i'm an awe with the OS and also singing praises to Microsoft for their recovery and giving us a pretty good OS after their debacle with the SHOULD BE FORGOTTEN Vista. I will keep this review very simple and not to go into detailed explanation ( Detailed review here), if i go to a very detailed review the page won't be enough. So Here We Go

The thing i liked about Windows 7 is how fast the response times are, ask something and it appears right before your eyes, like XP and unlike the 1-2 sec delay of Vista. I also like what they did with the taskbar, the old taskbar has been around for more than 15 years, and a change was imminent, gone are the......well all of it, the new taskbar is more like the DOCK that MAC OS X uses, its really similar (click here for comparison) Similar instances are stack to one icon and when you hover your mouse on top of that icon, a preview windows appears showing the real time situation of all instances. Another thing i like with Windows 7 is the AERO SNAP and AERO SHAKE ( see detailed review ) this is without a doubt my most used feature of Windows 7, i don't have time resizing windows and fitting them into my screen to my liking, so this is a great benefit. Another thing i liked is the changes with the theme, you can now create a background slideshow and also change the color of the aero theme. According to Windows 7, it already supports more than 7700 drivers via Windows Update, in fact, i had a harder time upgrading the newest machine like my laptop than older machines, in the older machines, you just install and that's it, all the driver problems will be solved with just one Windows update. The multimedia portion of the Windows 7 also had a lot of changes from the UI of paint and wordpard to the pre-installed codecs of Windows Media Player 12 and improvements to the Windows Media Home Center. Finally, the last thing i liked with this OS is how Microsoft was able to recode the start up, gone are the days when your OS tries to load everything in the same time *boot and start up programs, in Windows 7, the Boot is the priority then the start up programs via stack system so much faster boot time is established.

Now the negatives, It ain't a perfect OS, Can anybody tell me the difference between Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate without looking at the box, i know this is an marketing strategy of Microsoft to rake in more money *fooling people in getting the more expensive ultimate, but i'm telling you right now, people who are getting the Ultimate and not using its feature are stupid and gullible people, if you get the ultimate, you should be using the Multilingual languages that it comes with, or the XP mode or even the bitlocker, if not, i pity you because you have been tricked by Microsoft, you just wasted a lot of money or just wasted 20 gigs of your Hard Drive. Another thing i didn't like with the OS is that XP drivers won't work, if your device's driver is XP only, goodluck in making it work, the only driver that windows 7 recognizes are Vista and Win7 drivers, if it's not recognized, you should be buying a new device anyway, because your device is already too old and time to be retired. I also don't like that the Vista to Windows 7 upgrade is so expensive, they should copy Mac's strategy their upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard is only 30 dollars and why can't Microsoft give a break to all those consumers that they tricked with their Vista ( i still remember all those Vista horror stories) that they have to charge at least 129 dollars from Vista to Win7 upgrade and the worst thing about it, that it should be the same version as your Vista, so if you have Vista Home Premium you can only upgrade to Win7 Home Premium.

So as an conclusion, Windows 7 is a good OS, which is a MUST update from Vista and XP, you should already let these two OS retire, the only draw back with the Windows 7 is the price, that's it

Pros: Huge improvement from XP and Vista, Supports 7,700 drivers, Very fast and even Pentium 4 Machines had no trouble running it, Tons of Features

Cons: Marketing Issues with Microsoft, Very Expensive, Does not support XP Drivers

Rating: out of 5 stars

There are still 3 reviews that are still DRAFTS, hope to post all of it within this week

Peace out!
Monday, January 11, 2010

These is one savy and very thoughtful ad, and look at all the reaction from the people, i think this ad is a huge success

Now, if think about it, how did Santa carry this thing and fit it inside a chimney, it makes you wonder..don't you ( this is a joke obviously, Please Laugh)


More Reviews coming this weekend

Peace Out
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Do you want to know who is the real hero?

Click the link Below
Click Me

It ain't scary, it just funny

I like to thank FWA for this great find and also for the great article about this site

See yah

Peace Out!
Friday, January 8, 2010

The Rebound is a romantic comedy film starring Catherine Zeta-Jones (Entrapment, Mask Of Zorro, Ocean's Twelve and No Reservation) and Justin Bartha (National Treasure and The Hangover). The film is about an 40 years old mother who just had a divorce and is getting ready to move on and an 25 years old man who also just came from a divorce, eventually met and became a couple. Justin Bartha's character is still seeking the gratification of life thus avoiding job careers and literally putting his life on hold while Catherine Zeta Jones' character is a single mom with 2 kids who seeks changes in her life from being an housewife to an independent single mom. This clash of goals is the main gist of the film, on how they will handle it and work it out.

To be honest, the film was pretty good, it had its romantic and funny moments, It's your typical 1hour and 30 minutes film, but i really enjoyed it and Justin Bartha's performance was outstanding. I didn't expect to see the drama and romantic side of Justin Bartha to be that good, i really liked him as a comedy guy especially as Riley Poole in National Treasure, but he really showed his acting repertoire here, and definitely one actor to watch in the future, reminds me of a young Tom Hanks. But the thing i didn't like with the movie is that the last part of the film was somewhat rushed and the conclusion was just subpar compared to the  scenes before that. I also didn't like the focus on Catherine Zeta Jones' character, i know that she is an A-list celeb and when people see the poster, they will think that CZJ(Catherine Zeta Jones)'s character is the main protagonist, but the real protagonist here is Justin Bartha's character as he learns how to mature from being an guy who just want a relationship to a Father and eventually find his true self. I don't mind watching CZJ sexiness, her cougar appeal, but i felt that her character was a miscast, She looks to beautiful to be an simple mom and the occupation her character is an reporter for a sport agency, and somehow sports and CZJ doesn't mix, but never the less, this movie is simple and funny and that's how Eijan likes it!

Pros: Justin Bartha's Performance was outstanding, The plot was simple and executed very well, The story was simple and at the same time unique

Cons: Catherine Zeta Jones somewhat didn't feel right for the role, the ending was somewhat rushed and felt unfinished.


More Reviews later

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I saw the trailer of this movie a few months back, and i was really hyped to watch it. I though that it would be like 'The Negotiator' or 'Phone Book' especially showcasing such talents as Matt Dillon (Wild Things, Something About Mary), Jean Reno (Wasabi, La Femme Nikita, Da Vinci Code), Laurence Fishburne (Matrix), and Sucre himself,Amaury Nolasco (Transformer, Prison Break). With all those stars, and unique setting, you think this movie will be any good....wrong!!

The storyline of this movie is so simple and cliche that i can tell it in one sentece, A group of friends tries to steal money from the truck they are protecting, one is killed and this changes their plan, then everyone try to kills their friend who has the good conscience, and eventually the one with good conscience kills them all and walks freely in the end of the movie. Its that simple, the movie was somewhat rushed, there were no storyline to build the other characters, to be honest they didn't even tell the background of the others except for the protagonist. The action sucks, there were no thrill or suspenseful moments, and eventually i had to hit the fast forward button just to finsh the damn movie. This movie didn't gave me emotion, not even a single laugh or pity to the main character, nothing!!

Pros: Nice cast thats it!

Cons : everthing not mentioned on the 'pros'

Rating: out of 5

no more crappy movies please!!

Peace Out!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I bought this router just a week ago to replace my old TP-LINK TL-WR340g, and i have experience no set backs so far. I've been loyal to TP-LINK because of their reliability and also their performance (my router lasted 3 years and its still working now, i think i have only turned it off less than 10 time) and also the price this is the best you can buy with little money. I bought this router because i had trouble in gaming using our network. My cousin and I, likes to play co-op FPS games and my old router was giving us spikes while we were playing, so i decided to buy a new and faster one. I hate cables because their messy, i don't like using several 50 FT lan cables just to play my games without spikes, so i need a router that has WIFI and also give me no spikes or lag during network gaming and luckily this router works for me and it only costs 1.5 k

This router uses the new and approved N technology not anymore the G technology that everybody uses. The N technology is a lot faster than the G technology,how fast you ask?, i tried transferring 11gbs of files wirelessly to two computer my old G router gave me an ETF (estimed time to finish) of 5 hours and 40 mins with a maximum speed of 750-800 kbps, when i tried it with the new router, it gave me an ETF of 35 mins with a speed of 4.5 -5.8 mbps. The N router is also 4x much stronger signal than the G, my old router didn't even reach our Sala, which is almost 30-40 ft away excluding all the doors, the new one was able to reach the kitchen which was 50-60 ft and it only generated 30% drop off in the internet performance. This router also supports A/B/G/N technology, but if i were you replace all your computers' network adpater that still uses G technology, I replaced every network adapter with a N capable one in our house hold. Also this router uses WPA2-PSK security making it a lot harder for people stealing your signal to crack, Even my PSP's WIFI can't log in because the technology was not yet existing when the PSP was made. This also uses Clear Channel Assessment Technology (CCA), its purpose is that your wifi signal does not conflict with other wireless signal that degrades your own signal. Overall i'm happy with this router.

Pros: Uses N Technology, 4x larger range, 9x much faster than routers that are still using G technology, Very very Secured, Can easily edit the router to your likings, Comes with an installation disk that is very easy to install, Very cheap

Cons: The router casing looks cheap

Rating : out of 5

Tune in for new reviews
I recently bought a SAMSUNG CORBY S3653, actually i didn't pay for it, its a free that goes with my GLOBE 1.2k a month plan, the only catch is that i had to change my phone number, well its for the greater good anyway. So, my first expression with the Corby is not that pleasant because its a touch screen and its very cheap, and my experiences with a cheap touch screen is not pleasant, it always lead to two things, 1- the touch screen is not sensitive and you will have to poke the screen very hard to register your input and 2- When you drop it, it will never be the same but honestly, this phone blew me away and crushed all my beliefs concerning cheap touch screen phones.

I'm more of a Text and call type of a guy, i don't pay attention with the Mega Pixel of the camera or other 'cool' features that the Phone have but it is still good to have those features there and is ready to be used.

The Corby is a very cheap phone, you can get it around 7.5k, but don't let the price fool you, this thing is a powerhouse. Did i mention, that its an Touch Screen Phone, you will not find any keypads on it except for the volume, lock key, camera ,call and call end button. The keypads is in the OS of the phone itself, I'm never a fan of Touch Screen because i feel they have slow responses, but i was blown away with the touch screen of the corby, its fast and accurate, almost similar to the IPhone 3g that my sister have. The one thing i like with this also that it has vibration feedback, when you touch the screen, it will do a response vibration. So when your texting, it feels like your really pressing the button. It comes with a 2 MP camera, and basically can play any audio format. The another thing that i like with this phone is that they are already built in application you can use, like Twitter, Facebook , Dropbox, and MySpace ( you can install more if you go to Samsung's website) , And this application are also widgets, the same thing as the widgets in your Vista, the only difference is that the widgets floats around your Main Screen. Don't worry if your fear that your main screen will be cluttered, because this phone has 3 screens witch you can switch on the fly with 1 stroke of your finger.

Now the negatives, This phone is lacking WIFI, which is a big blow especially with those build in application that the phone comes with. The problem is that Globe's price rate for their internet is expensive and sadly, i'm forced not to use these applications. I also don't like the keypad design for texting, i feel that the buttons are too close to each other and i'm having a hard time texting using my thumb without making mistakes. Like the old Samsung phones, you cannot create your own profiles, they are already 6 pre-made profiles which you can modify but its not the same in making your own

PROS: Very affordable only costs 7.5k, Touch Screen and has fast response and very accurate, it has Widgets to connect to your social networks, Has 3 Main menu for your widgets,Vibration Feedback

Cons: Lacks WIFI, Keypad design are not thumb friendly, Can't create your own profile

Rating: out of 5

Read my next review about TP-LINK TL-WR740N

Peace out!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I decided to blog again, i was just eating my dinner a while ago and i was thinking, what if i start blogging about all the hardware and software i use, i'm already addicted in watching videos on youtube about hardware and software reviews, well..why not create one. I might be following the footstep of Chris Pirillo but the difference is that this blog are for my friends to share with them some of my tips!

So for my first review, i'll be discussing briefly this program, ARTISTEER, move over any HTML editing program, this might be the easiest web editing program i ever used, too bad i didn't have it during my web related classes. anyway, I used ARTISTEER to edit the template of my blog, it only took me an hour, and the best thing is that it implements the template to your blog with one push of a button, its that EASY!!

It will cost you around 50 dollars for the full version, but its worth it, and the best thing is that it can be used with blogger, wordpress, joomla and the best of all, the template can easily be saved to an HTML format instead of the XML format that blogger uses.This program is so easy that even a monkey can do it

For more information, Watch this Vid at their SITE

PROS: The easiest template maker out there, Has the most variety, Suggestion feature is the BOMB!, It makes editing your template to your liking very easy and at the same time FUN, Just a press of a button it can change your blog template immediately,You don't need to know any HTML coding, even a sea monkey can use this.

CONS: Might be expensive to some (49 dollars) but its worth it if you are a hard core blogger.

RATING: out of 5 stars

Well that's all for now, see you tomorrow for another review

Peace out!!

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Eijan Ochoco
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