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Monday, September 13, 2010

PlayStationConsole Over the  weekend was the 15th year since the PSone was released, to be exact September 9,1995. I still remember those days when I would go to the local malls and buy around 4-5 new games and once I arrive home, i would allot 30 minutes and after all that, i would only choose 1 to play and discard the rest to the junk pile.


PSone was the most memorable console I had, because i had 3 of them (all the original version, I wasn’t able to buy the slim version) and the saddest thing is that none of them work anymore today. The first two consoles I had to disassemble part by part and hoping with a few clean swipes would repair the unit,sadly this was not the case but i can happily say, I had a heck of a good time playing with those consoles.


This is similar to the IGN article, this is my short tribute for the PSone, the console that really changed the videogame scenery by putting a stick up Nintendo’s ass


FAVORITE PSone Game: NHL 2000

FAVORITE Playstation Button: X (alw198168_42629ays the

FAVORITE PSone Memory: It was Game 6 of the first round eastern  conference playoffs, My 7th seed New Jersey Devils against the 2nd Seed Boston Bruins. My Team leading 3-2 in the series and the game going to the last 5 minutes with the score 0-0, i suddenly scored a crucial one timer goal via Jason Arnott to Petr Sykora connection, and with the remaining minutes, i was left defending my goal like crazy,every time the opponent would shoot my heart would jump a beat, and every time that the Bruins are in my zone  my heart would beat like crazy,until the last seconds ticked off.


After the most grueling battle in my whole life, I celebrated like crazy and in the process kicked the playstation off the table and in the end, it made the whole thing to reset, seriosly I was disappointed, so disappointed that my tears won’t stop running.  And I vowed again not to celebrate like crazy after winning a game.


That’s all for now

Peace Out

Thursday, September 9, 2010

duke-nukem-forever-20100903011815345_640w The biggest news this week was the surprise announcement of Gearbox at the PAX event, which was the revival of ‘Duke Nukem Forever’ aka. DNF after 12 long years in problematic development. Gearbox didn’t show any teaser trailer of the controversial game but they provided the fans a playable demo of one level, and according to the report, the game caught them by surprise because the graphics and engine they used in the game were on par with the technology today.

Gearbox software didn’t reveal what game engine they used, but upon seeing some video, i think they will be using the UNREAL 3 game engine, the same engine as Gearbox’s own “Borderlands”.


duke-nukem-forever You might be wondering what the big deal with DNF, well, let me refresh your puny mind, Duke Nukem Forever started in development in 1997, it is a direct sequel to the 1996 hit Duke Nukem 3D. After countless internal dispute with 3d Realms Co-CEO Scott Miller with his own development team and Co-CEO Broussard after countless game engine changes from the Quake 2 Engine to the Unreal 1 to 3 engines through out the years, all thought that Duke would never see the light of day when 3d Realms was disbanded late May 2009. But a handful of people still continued finishing the project in their own homes with the help of ex-CEO Broussard, until Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox also an ex-employee of 3D Realms and part of the team that worked on Duke Nukem 3D, funded the project and help sold the project to the publishing giant 2K Games, and the rest is history.


Expect Duke Nukem Forever to hit all platforms next year. I’m so damn excited!



That’s all for now


Peace Out!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
220px-Batman_under_the_red_hood_poster I’m really liking the DC Universe Animated Original Movies from the Justice League: The New Frontier to the Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, I really like how they stay true to the comic and also the violence that comes with, no more those pussy ass censorship targeted for children.

Under the Red Hood, follows the “A Death in the Family” and “ Under the Hood” storyline, and in my opinion is one of the best storyline ever,it is basically about the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin, the one who replaced Dick Grayson when Dick Grayson decided to be Nightwing. Jason Todd was killed in action by the Joker, it is well explained in this film and also on how he became the second Red Hood, the first red hood was the Joker before he fell to the chemical that made him the iconic Joker.

He might not be Mark Hamill, but John DiMaggio really did a good job being the Joker, Bruce Greenwood and Jensen Ackles also did a good job being Batman and the Red Hood, the only negative with the cast was Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing, i felt those comedic one liner and his voice wasn’t fitting for the iconic Nightwing.

Overall, the movie was great, it had a great cast and a superior storyline, the only weaklink was the characterization of Nightwing.

PROS: Great Story especially it is just a direct-to-video Film. Great Cast

CONS: Anti-Climatic Ending, Neil Patrick Harris is a bad fit being Nightwing

Eijan Says: if you have the time, watch this, i’m sure you will enjoy this

RATING: (Out of 5 Stars)
sc-goldstars1 sc-goldstars1sc-goldstars1sc-goldstars1

That’s all for now

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I decided that tomorrow will be the day that i’ll start blogging again, so stay tune people!

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